Rhode Island Tree Farm Program | PO Box 53 | No. Scituate, RI 02857 | 401-568-3421

Resources & Links


Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
Division of Forest Environment

Catherine Sparks, Chief
Paul Dolan, Deputy Chief
2185 Putnam Pike, Chepachet, RI 02814
Tel: 401.568.2013
Fax: 401.568.2045
The Forest Environment Program manages 40,000 acres of state-owned rural forestland, and coordinates a statewide forest fire protection plan, provides forest fire protection on state lands, assists rural volunteer fire departments, and develops forest and wildlife management plans for private landowners who choose to manage their property in ways that will protect these resources on their land. The Program promotes public understanding of environmental conservation, enforces Department rules and regulations on DEM lands, and assists the federal government in providing landowner assistance programs. Moreover, additional DFE mandates are to monitor and recommend controls for insects and disease, to work with communities promoting urban tree health, to license arborists, and to certify forest land under the state's Farm, Forest and Open Space Act [see below].

Rhode Island Tree Farm State Committee
Milton Schumacher, Chair
Mail: PO Box 53, No. Scituate, RI 02857
Tel: 401.568.3410
Co-sponsors RI Division of Forest Environment, RIFCO, Providence Water


United States Department of Agriculture Agencies

United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service,
Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry

United States Environmental Protection Agency

United States Fish and Wildlife Service



American Forest Foundation


American Tree Farm System


The Association of Consulting Foresters of America, Inc.


Lincoln Education Online (LEO)


National Forestry Association


New England Forestry Foundation


Rhode Island Forest Conservators Organization


National Woodland Owners Association
American Forest Foundation
The AFF encourages long-term stewardship and sustainable use of our natural resources by (1) making certain that America's family-owned forests continue to provide clean water, fertile soil, quality recreation, homes for wildlife and wood for products - not just for this generation, but for all that follow and (2) helping young people learn the skills they will need to become responsible environmental decision-makers. Project Learning Tree and the American Tree Farm System are the two core programs AFF uses to realize its goals.
Mail: 1111 19th Street, NW, Suite 780, Washington, DC 20036
Tel: 1.888.889.4466
E-Mail: info@treefarmsystem.org

American Tree Farm System
The Tree Farm System provides conservation education to non-industrial private forestland owners in the United States to assist them in managing their forests sustainably. A project of the American Forest Foundation.
Tel: 1.888.889.4466
E-Mail: info@treefarmsystem.org

The Association of Consulting Foresters of America, Inc.
ACF was founded in 1948 to advance the professionalism, ethics, and interests of professional foresters whose primary work was consulting to the public. The ACF is the only national association for consulting foresters.

Lincoln Education Online (LEO)
LEO is designed by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy to facilitate the teaching of critical issues in land and tax policy through a series of online courses that are based on the Institute's classroom curriculum. LEO is currently offering Introduction to New England Forests, which explores the fundamentals of forest processes and active, private stewardship. It is designed for owners of small woodlands such as land trusts, local governments, and private landowners.

Massachusetts Association of Professional Foresters (MAPF)

The National Arbor Day Foundation -- Planting and Caring for Trees

National Association of Conservation Districts

National Association of State Foresters

National Forestry Association
Organized in 1981, the National Forestry Association (NFA) has built the nation's largest professional forester referral program for private forest and woodland owners.

New England Forestry Foundation
A non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation and management of New England's working forests.

Project Learning Tree
A project of the American Forest Foundation.

Rhode Island Forest Conservators Organization
PO Box 53
No. Scituate, RI 02857-0053
Tel: 401.568-3410
E-Mail: info@rifco.org

Society of American Foresters

Soil and Water Conservation Society

United States Department of Agriculture, Research, Education, and Economics


Forest Landowners Tax Council
The Forest Landowners Tax Council (FLTC) is an independent, national non-profit organization dedicated to providing an effective and unified voice for non-industrial, private forest (NIPF) landowners on federal tax issues. The Council seeks to provide technical research to identify opportunities for timber tax improvements. FLTC is also a source of education for those who wish to learn more about timber taxation. Membership is open nationwide to all individuals, associations, or organizations interested in supporting the mission of the FLTC.

National Woodland Owners Association
The NWOA is a nationwide organization of private forest and woodland owners who work together to promote good forest stewardship on their own lands. NWOA is affiliated with state and county woodland owner associations throughout the United States, and has members in all 50 states.

Founded by non-industrial private woodland owners in 1983, NWOA is independent of the forest products industry and forestry agencies, and works with all organizations to promote non-industrial forestry and the best interests of woodland owners.
Dr. Keith Argow
374 Maple St., East - Suite 210
Vienna, VA 22180
Tel: 703.255.2700


Environmental Protection Agency - Laws and Regulations

National Timber Tax Website
This website could be used by timberland owners, as well as a reference source for accountants, attorneys, consulting foresters and other professionals who work with timberland owners by answering specific questions regarding the tax treatment of timber.

State of Rhode Island - General Assembly



Environmental Organization Webdirectory - Science: Agriculture: Forestry

Forestry Index website
This website is a search portal to helps Landowners find any specific information. You can select a category or choose from a list of different topics and search the information you need.

National Agriculture Library

© Copyright 2007-2024 Rhode Island Tree Farm program. All rights reserved.
PO Box 53 • No. Scituate, RI 02857 • 401.568.3410
