Rhode Island Forest Conservators Organization


Woodlot Business Management Topics

Forestry Best Management Practices for Water Quality Protection (2nd edition)
State of Rhode Island standards. Tyvek booklet -- good for field use.
Note: This publication is free with RIFCO membership.
$5 (includes shipping)

Free Materials By Mail

Forest Business Opportunities
This series of brochures and fact sheets includes Ginseng as a Sustainable Land-Based Business, Cultivating Mushrooms, Gathering Wild Mushrooms, Maple Syrup, and Forest Recreation.

The Forest Certification and Assessment Process under the RI Farm, Forest, and Open Space Act
A brochure produced by RIFCO with information forest landowners need to determine their eligibility for the forest assessment and the procedure required to enroll.

The Forest Conservationist
A free sample of the quarterly newsletter published by RIFCO. Become a RIFCO Member and receive this publication throughout the year.

Foresters and the Care of Your Land – How to Select One and What They Do
A brochure that provides objective information on how to identify, evaluate, and retain a private forester to manage your forestland. It includes developing a management plan, timber cutting, and other useful information. Published by Southern New England Forest Consortium, Inc. (SNEFCI).

RI’s Farm, Forest, and Open Space Valuations (Nov. 2000)
This brochure on recommended values and summary guide to RI's current use tax law is published by RI State Conservation Committee, RI Rural Lands Coalition, RI Association of Assessing Officials, and local Tax Assessors.

Free Materials Online

The Economic Importance of Rhode Island's Forest Based Economy, 2015 (pdf)
North East State Foresters Association

Helping Trees Recover from Stress: A Guide for Homeowners (pdf)
Booklet by US Forest Service.


The Importance of Rhode Island's Forests in Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change (pdf)


RI's Farm, Forest, and Open Space Regulations, Rev. (pdf)

Rhode Island Woodland Partnership (pdf)
Increasing the Resiliency of Forests in New England: A Weather-Wise Worksheet for Private Woodland Owners


The Value of RI Forests

Woodland Owner Workshop Series Presentation Materials, Rev. April 2016

Woodscaping: Today's Forest, Tomorrow's Legacy: A Guide For Small Acreage Woodland Owners

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RIFCO • PO Box 53 • No. Scituate, RI 02857-0053 • info@rifco.org
© Copyright RI Forest Conservators Organization. All rights reserved.
